Frequently Asked Questions

There are two levels within course to choose from (HSC has one level for each course). The course content is slightly different between HSC and IBDP for each of the sciences and the assessment is different between the courses.
Students who choose Physics must enjoy the course. They require stronger mathematics skills and problem-solving skills in order to do well in this course.
A love for the environment and Earth sciences is key. Students require numeracy skills and skills in analyzing and interpreting data.
A love for the environment and Earth sciences is key. Students require numeracy skills and skills in analyzing and interpreting data.
Firstly, a curiosity about the living world. Students who have strong literacy skills can do very well at Biology. While there is some numeracy required in this course it is not at a high level.
Choose whatever interests you. If you select one for a perceived scaling advantage, you might not be motivated to do well if you don’t enjoy it. The critical thinking and problem solving in Science applies to everyday life. The skills that you learn in science will support you in every aspect of your future life – even if, at the moment, you are not sure if you will study Science at tertiary level.
The SL course requires understanding of 20th century wars and authoritarian states from different regions of the world. Analysis of source material as an information skill is central. The HL course is focused on the History of Europe mainly in the 20th century with some 19th century content. Essay writing features heavily in both SL and HL courses.
Modern History covers mainly the 19th and 20th centuries. Ancient History stretches back to the first written records of humanity. For the HSC examination, Modern History requires 2 essays in the HSC exam compared to one for Ancient History, however, both require substantial reading and writing. Furthermore, Ancient History tends to have a social, cultural, and archaeological focus, while Modern History emphasises domestic politics and international affairs. Ancient History also requires the study of a key historical personality, while Modern History focuses on the forces, such as ideas, nations and movements that shaped the 20th century.
History Extension focuses on the field of historiography, that is, how the past is recorded, interpreted and constructed by historians. It recognises that historical interpretations are the product of the historian, their context, access to and analysis of sources, and their over-riding purposes.  As such, historical debate and competing interpretations are both central to the study of History Extension.
Both the IBDP and HSC courses include hands-on practical work and secondary sourced work.
You can choose up to two sciences.
No more than 6 units of Science in Year 11 and 7 units of Science in Year 12.
No. It is a one-unit Year 12 course..
There are compulsory fieldwork experiences in HSC Biology and Earth and Environmental Science.