Tag - Primary Years Programme - PYP

Adam El-Abd

How racism affects people’s wellbeing

Mental Health issues such as depression, anxiety and stress can have lifelong effects. My topic is...

Aedan Nallaiah

Society’s response to pandemics and how it has changed over time

Throughout history, diseases have changed humanity, stopping a war, causing...

Aidan Lang

Space exploration and how its discoveries help society

Space exploration preserves the Earth. To find out more information about my issue...

Aiden Wills

The lasting effects of poverty

Poverty, a problem that has impacted millions! For exhibition, I am inquiring into poverty and the...

AJ Laing

The effects of deforestation and the threat of habitat loss

Welcome to my exhibition. I am passionate about my issue because...

Andre Duane

The role of civilians and governments in preventing bushfires

I researched bushfires and discovered what civilians and governments can to to...

Benjamin De Lany

Space exploration impacts politics and a country’s development

Space exploration is changing every day. We are growing ever closer to forming...

Charlie Yao

The impact of overfishing

Overfishing is killing our oceans! My Exhibition topic will explain what overfishing is, how it affects the...

Daniel Jones

The existence of a self-sustaining civilisation beyond Earth (on Mars)

Humanity is getting closer and closer to colonising Mars. That’s what...

Daniel Simpson

Humans introducing, eradicating and reintroducing animals and their impact on ecosystems and the environment

Introducing, eradicating and reintroducing animals can have...

David Charas

Civics education is crucial to maintaining better governments

Civics education is the key to a stable governing system. Civics is compulsory...

Dilan Petrides

The importance of interaction between humans and animals for survival

Humans don’t understand how important their interaction with animals is....

Eason Fang

Structures and strategies that could potentially minimise the effects of natural disasters

Natural disasters are a global problem. Rich countries have...

Ethan Peng

Discrimination and its effect on people’s mental health

Discrimination can have horrendous impacts on both people’s mental and physical health. In...

Ethan Yiu

Economic downturn and how the government and people can assist with economic recovery

With a struggling economy, we need to find...

George Deiri

The hazards associated with an ever-changing landscape of technology and innovation

Technology is forever changing. Come and check out the negative...

George Kalis

The effects of technology addiction on teenagers

My topic, the effects of technology addiction on teenagers will include the current situation...

Hugh Labas

The use and misuse of performance-enhancing substances in sport

Drugs in sport are getting worse every year due to athletes becoming...

Hussein Choker

Health issues associated with exposure to toxic substances

My topic is very interesting and vital to the world’s health. Knowing what...

Jack Castles

How societies and individuals can improve people’s mental health

Mental health affects everyone. During the COVID-19 pandemic one in five people...

Jack Cooper

COVID-19 and how it affects society and individuals financially

Did you know that millions of workers are no longer eligible for...

Jake Wu

Biological control of invasive species

My issue is Biological Control of Invasive Species. Join me on an adventure with Pesky Pests

James Alha

Animal cruelty and the physical and psychological impacts

Animals are breathing living things. Animals suffer both psychological and physical problems. They...

James Zhou

Accessibility of space exploration and how it will change our understanding of the universe

The advancements within space exploration are...

Jayden Bechara

Ethics and laws surrounding artificial intelligence

Are you aware that artificial intelligence has already taken 7 million jobs? But... it has...

Jolyon Gadiel

Military intervention and how it affects peoples’ culture and beliefs

Military intervention can greatly impact people’s culture and beliefs. My topic...

Jonny Orr

Artificial intelligence in medicine: applications, implications and limitations

42.4% of doctors surveyed said that artificial intelligence would create more jobs in...

Joshua Vuong

Climate change and the effect on animal habitats

Climate change is impacting our planet. My topic is related to sustainability because...

Kobe Harb

Ethics and the feasibility of colonising another planet

Humanity is getting closer to colonizing another planet. That’s what my exhibition topic...

Lachlan Reese

Climate change in the future and its impacts on ecosystems/environments

Antarctica is melting faster than ever, animals are dying from the...